After you give your tenant the Notice

After delivering the Notice, the tenant has a chance to do what the Notice says by the deadline. If they don't do what the Notice says, you can start an eviction case in court. 

What your tenant may do

They may agree

Your tenant may do what the Notice says by the deadline. If they do, you cannot start an eviction court case.

They may want to work something out with you

If your tenant wants to talk and try to work something out, you can do this and see if you can come to an agreement. Or, you can decide to talk about the problem with a mediator. A mediator is someone trained to help people reach solutions. If you don't reach an agreement by the deadline, you can start an eviction case in court.

They may do nothing

If the deadline passes, you can start an eviction case in court. If you win, you can have the tenant evicted.

Learn how to start an eviction case

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