Bankruptcy resources

Bankruptcy is governed by US Federal Court, not California courts. If you're considering bankruptcy, these resources can help you find information and legal help.

Resources from the Administrative Office of the US Courts

Bankruptcy basics

Bankruptcy videos

Official bankruptcy forms

Information about consumer debt and bankruptcy

Find free and low-cost legal help in your county

LawHelpCalifornia bankruptcy resources
List of informational resources in bankruptcy

Consumer Federation of America
The Consumer Federation of America, along with other organizations, developed tips sheets on debt settlement traps and getting help with debt.

Resources for debt and bankruptcy during COVID 19
This guide from the San Francisco Law Library includes a variety of resources about debt, bankruptcy, and specific rules regarding COVID 19 laws and assistance programs.


FTC's Coping with Debt
Information from the Federal Trade Commission about debt relief services, credit counseling, debt consolidation, and bankruptcy

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