Finish your case when you have an agreement

To finish your child custody and support case, you must turn in a set of final forms along with your written agreement to the court. 

Before you start

You need a signed written agreement

You must have everything you agree on in a signed agreement. You can't just tell the court that you agree.

Learn how to write up an agreement

You're asking for an uncontested judgment

The forms you fill out ask if this is a default or uncontested judgment. A default is when the respondent did not file a response. If the respondent filed a response, but you reached an agreement it's called uncontested. On the forms, check the box the boxes that say uncontested.

How to prepare forms to finish your custody and support case

  • Fill out judgment forms

    • Declaration for Default or Uncontested Judgment (form FL-230)

      This explains what orders you want the judge to make in the final judgment. The parent submitting the agreement will sign the form. 

    • Appearances, Stipulations, and Waivers (form FL-130)

      This tells the judge you have reached an agreement and don't need a trial. Both parents must sign this form.

    • Judgment (Uniform Parentage — Custody and Support) (form FL-250)

      This is the final court order. You will need to attach more forms to this.

    • Notice of Entry of Judgment (Family Law — Uniform Parentage — Custody and Support) (form FL-190)

      The court will mail this form back to you after the judge has signed the judgment. It’s the official notice from the court that tells you the case is complete.

    If the local child support agency is involved in your case, 

    the agency must approve and sign-off on any child support agreement you have. If you used Form FL-350, there's a place on page 2 for a lawyer from the agency to sign.
  • Fill out child custody and child support forms

    For child custody and visitation (parenting time)

    Fill out and attach:

    • Child Custody and Visitation (Parenting Time) Order Attachment (form FL-341)

    This tells the court how you want custody and visitation (parenting time) handled.

    For child support

    Fill out and attach:

    • Child Support Information and Order Attachment (form FL-342)

    This tells the court how you want child support handled.

      You must attach:

      This lets you and the other parent know about how to ask the other parent to help pay for any of your child's healthcare costs not covered by insurance and how to ask to change a child support order.

      Also, submit:

      Do not attach the Child Support Case Registry Form to your judgment. Submit it along with everything, if you haven't turned one in before.

      If you want child support to be paid directly from the other parent's paycheck, also submit:

    • Get help reviewing your forms

      Contact your court clerk’s office, check your court’s website, or talk to your Family Law Facilitator or Self-Help Center to find out if they require any optional forms and check how many envelopes you need to provide when you turn in your forms.

      Find a self help center

    Finish your child custody and support case

    What's next?

    Once you complete your paperwork, you need to make copies and submit it to the court with envelopes.

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