If you are involved in a dependency case as a child or youth

When you come to court because a parent has hurt you or not taken care of you, the juvenile court may step in and you may become “dependent” on the court for safeguarding. When this happens, you may have to live with relatives or another family for a while.

People involved in your dependency case

Having a dependency case means that different people will be checking on how you are doing. During your dependency case you will definitely meet your lawyer and your social worker. You might also meet the judge, if you decide to go to court. The judge might give permission for you to meet with a Court Appointed Special Advocate (CASA).

Your lawyer is your advocate. They speak for you and fight for you in court. Your conversations with your lawyer are confidential. That means that your lawyer cannot tell anyone else what you have told them unless you say it is okay.

In California, your lawyer must tell the judge what is in your best interests and what you want. Sometimes those can be two different things. Talk to your lawyer if you have questions about why they think a certain outcome is in your best interests and you don’t agree.

If you are having a hard time reaching your lawyer, try sending an email if you have their address. You can also check the California State Bar website for any additional contact information for your lawyer. Let the social worker know as well. You can also advise the court at your hearing that you have been unable to talk with your lawyer.

Your social worker is responsible for helping you in many ways. Your Social Worker will find the best place for you. This may include relatives, friends of your family, or foster homes. They also have to visit you every month to make sure everything is going well.

If you're having a hard time reaching your social worker, locate the main number for your county's social services agency and ask for a supervisor. You can also let your lawyer know and tell the judge while you are in court.

The judge will try to make sure all your needs are being met. They are also the person who makes the big decisions in your case, like whether or not you will go home and how often you will see your parents. The judge makes these decisions based on what is in your best interests.

Court appointed special advocates (CASAs) are people who volunteer to work with children and youth who have dependency cases. CASAs are supposed to look out for your best interests and give the court their opinion on how things are going for you.

Your rights in a dependency case

You have certain rights in a dependency case. You have the right to:

  • Have a support person present when a social worker interviews you at school
  • Go to court. If you are 10 years old or older, the social worker or your lawyer must tell you the court date and ask if you want to attend.
  • Be involved in coming up with your case plan. If you are 12 years old or older and placed in a foster (resource) home, group home, or with relatives, you have the right to go over your case plan, sign it, and have a copy of it. You also have the right to be told about any changes that are going to be made to your case plan.
  • Stay at your school. If you have been removed from your parents you have the right to stay at your school
  • Visit with your siblings. If you have been removed from your parents you have the right to ask the judge to allow you to visit with your siblings.
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