What do these papers mean?
Request to Set Aside Support Order (Form FL-360)
If you received a Request for Hearing and Application to Set Aside Support Order (form FL-360), it means the other person in your family law case is asking the judge to cancel (set aside) a child or spousal support order. The court set a date to hear from you both (a hearing) so a judge can make a decision.

Hearing date and time
The date, time, and location are on the first page.
What order the other person wants to set aside and why
Item 2 lists what order the other person wants the judge to set aside
Item 3 is the legal reason why they think the judge should set aside the order
On Page 2 or in an attachment, the other person explained what happened (the facts).
Your options
Come to an agreement with the other side
If you can work with the other person (and there is no restraining order involved) you may be able to come to an agreement on your own without going to court. If the Local Child Support Agency is part of your case, they will need to sign the agreement as well.
Respond to the Request and go to the hearing
If you do not think the judge should set aside the order, you file a response explaining why. You can also file a response if you agree. Then, you have someone deliver (serve) a copy to the other person. You will then need to prepare for and go to the court date.
Choose to not respond
You don't have to respond to this request, but if you do not respond, the judge will decide without hearing from you.
Consider getting help
This website has information to walk you through the basic process. But, you may need more help or to hire a lawyer for legal advice. If you have a lawyer, give them these papers.
The court has a program where they offer free legal information. Learn more about the court’s Family Law Facilitator or Self-Help Center.
Respond to a Request for Order
What's next
Once you decide if and how you're going to respond to the request, navigate to the step-by-step instructions for help with completing the task.
Keep in mind that you may have to act quickly. If you're going to respond, you must complete and have someone personally serve your response to the other side at least 9 court days before the hearing.