Before you start
Get familiar with a few key concepts
The way you fill out these forms will impact the outcome of your case, so it’s important to do it correctly. The forms include some terms that may be unfamiliar to you. You can read more about these terms:
Consider getting help
Get free, in-person help from the court. Learn more about the court’s Family Law Facilitator or Self-Help Center.
Hire a lawyer to help you with all or a part of your case. It’s possible to go through this process without a lawyer.
How to respond to a Petition for child custody and support
Fill out the forms you received
- Fill out the form called Response to Petition for Custody and Support for Minor Children (form FL-270). Note that because you are the one responding to the other parent, you’re called the Respondent. The other parent is the Petitioner.
- Fill out the Declaration under Uniform Child Custody Jurisdiction and Enforcement Act (UCCJEA) (form FL-105). This form tells the court where your children were born and live and if there are any other court cases involving them. You must fill out this form if your children are under 18.
Figure out if you need temporary orders
You may need to ask for temporary orders, rather than waiting until your case is final. For example:
You may need to decide where your children will live
You may need financial support for your child
There's a process to ask the court to decide by requesting temporary orders. You’ll need to fill out more forms.
Find out if you have any local forms to complete
Some courts have additional local forms they require you to use.
Contact your court clerk’s office, check your court’s website, or talk to your Family Law Facilitator or Self-Help Center to ask if they have any local forms you need to use.
Make copies of your forms
After you’ve filled out the forms and signed the Response, make 2 copies of the Response and any other forms.
Respond to Petition for custody and support
What's next?
Once you’ve completed the forms and made copies, you need to have someone deliver (serve) your Response and file your papers with the court within 30 days of getting the Petition form.
Serve means to have someone 18 or older, not you, deliver a copy to the other person in your case (the Petitioner). You must also file a proof of service with the court to prove that you had a copy delivered to them.