Special education rights

This page offers resources for parents, foster parents, guardians, and others who care for a child who is not doing well in school. The resources include information about children's special education rights and where to get legal help.

Helping a child who is struggling in school

If your child has a disability that interferes with their ability to access their education, they may be eligible to receive special education services.  

Special Education Rights for Children and Families  | Judicial Council of California

Special Education Eligibility Checklist  | Alliance for Children's Rights 

Helping a foster child who is struggling in school

There are a variety of programs, services, and protections available to school-age foster youth, related to the school of origin, graduation requirements, and financial aid for college.

California Foster Youth Education Law Fact Sheet | California Foster Youth Education Task Force

Special education laws and rights of children

If your child has been found eligible for special education, both you and your child have certain rights. Find out more about your rights here.  

Parent's Rights Summary  | California Department of Education

Special Education Rights for Children and Families  | Judicial Council of California

State and Federal Special Education Laws  | California Department of Education

Information about due process hearings (administrative hearings)

If your child has been found eligible for special education and you disagree with the school about the placement or services your child needs to be able to access their education, you can learn more about your options here.  

Self-Help Information for Special Education Cases  | California Department of General Services

Low cost and free attorneys and advocates for special education

A list of attorneys and advocates who have self-certified that they provide low-cost or free services to help you prepare for a Special Education case before the Office of Administrative Hearings.

Alliance for Children

Offers legal help and advocacy when a child's education rights are violated. Also has information about early intervention services and advocacy for children in foster care.

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