Defenses you can use in an eviction court case

If you want to file an Answer (form UD-105) to an eviction lawsuit and defend yourself in court, you'll need to give a defense (the legal reason you shouldn't be evicted). You can have more than one defense. This page explains the most common defenses used in eviction cases. It's not a complete list of every defense that's available under the law. 

Common eviction defenses

You may have good reasons you think you shouldn’t be evicted, but to defend yourself in an eviction case, you'll need to find out if there's a law that protects you. These laws may be your legal defense(s).

If you want the court to consider your legal defenses, you must include them in the Answer you file to respond to the lawsuit. The Answer (form UD-105) has a list of defenses with checkboxes so you can select a defense that applies to you.

Review the defenses below to see if there's one that applies to your situation 

If you find a defense that seems to match your situation, you may still need to research the law (also sometimes called codes, regulations, or ordinances) that describes the defense to see if it applies to your exact situation. 

Many defenses have specific requirements. It’s always best to get legal advice to see how the defenses might apply to you and your situation. A local law library or court Self-Help Center may be able to help you do more research. 

The Tenant Protection Act may apply to my situation


If you are protected by the TPA you may have one or more of the following defenses:

I may be protected by local rent and/or eviction control laws

I did what the Notice said or my Landlord said I didn't need to

My landlord is retaliating or discriminating against me

My landlord hasn't taken care of the home I rent

My landlord gave me a Notice that doesn't follow the law

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