Publish Form NC-120 in the newspaper
After you file your forms, you need to have the Order to Show Cause (form NC-120) published in a newspaper once a week for 4 weeks.
Before you start
You must publish the Order to Show Cause at least 4 weeks before your court date
Contact the newspaper you chose right away so you have enough time to publish. You must publish the Order to Show Cause once a week for 4 weeks in a row before your court date. If you don't, your case can be delayed.
How to publish your Order to Show Cause
Contact the newspaper
Get in touch with the newspaper listed on your Order to Show Cause (form NC-120). (If you live out of state, you would not have listed a newspaper on the NC-120).
Ask them:
- How to get the Order to Show Cause (form NC-120) to them. That is the form that gets published.
- How to pay them for the publication.
- If there is enough time to publish your form before your court date, once a week for 4 weeks in a row.
- How you will get the proof of publication back from them proving that your form was published the required number of weeks.
Give newspaper copy of order and pay fee
Give the Order to Show Cause to the newspaper. Tell them it must be published once per week, 4 weeks in a row.
Pay the newspaper for the publication. Your court fee waiver will not waive the newspaper fee.
Check the proof of publication gets filed
If the newspaper was going to mail the proof of publication to you, file it with the court clerk before your court date.
If the newspaper told you they would file the proof of publication, check with your court to make sure it was filed. You may be able to check on your court's website to see if it was filed.
Name change for child when only one parent files
What's next?
Once you’ve given the newspaper the order to publish, your next step is serve your child's other parent if you haven't already. Then, learn what to expect at the hearing.