What do these papers mean?

Request for Hearing and Application to Cancel Voluntary Declaration of Parentage or Paternity (form FL-280)

If you received a Request to Cancel the Voluntary Declaration of Parentage or Paternity (form FL-280), it means someone is asking a judge to cancel (set aside) a Voluntary Declaration of Parentage or Paternity (VDOP) that you signed. Cancelling the VDOP ends the legal parent-child relationship created by the VDOP. 


The court set a date to hear from you both (a hearing) so a judge can make a decision whether to cancel the VDOP.


This page will help you understand what the form means and your options for what to do next.

FL280 info on hearing

Hearing date and time

The date, time, and location of the court date are on the first page. 

FL280 reasons for setaside

Why the other person thinks the judge should cancel the VDOP

On page 2 in item 10, the person who filed the request checked the boxes that have the legal reason why they think the judge should cancel the VDOP. 

Your options

Respond to the Request and go to the hearing

To let the judge know if you agree or disagree, you file a response. To respond, you fill out and file a court form. Then you go to the court date (hearing), so the judge can hear from you both. There's generally no cost to respond.

If you decide to respond, you must do so by a deadline. 

You must file and serve your response at least 9 court days before the court date. A court day is a day the court is open (Monday - Friday, excluding a court holiday). (You can access step-by-step instructions for responding below).

Choose to not respond

You don't have to respond to this request, but if you do not respond, the judge will decide without hearing from you. The judge may cancel the VDOP ending the legal parent-child relationship.

Consider getting help

This website has information to walk you through the basic process. But, you may need more help or legal advice.  

  • Get free help from the court. The court where the case is filed has a program where they offer free legal information. Learn more about the court’s Family Law Facilitator or Self-Help Center.  

  • Hire a lawyer to help you with all or a part of your case. It’s possible to do this process without a lawyer. But, if you want to get advice about your situation, you may wish to hire a lawyer

Respond to a request to set aside a VDOP

What's next?

Once you decide if and how you're going to respond to the request, navigate to the step-by-step instructions for help with completing the task.


Keep in mind that you may have to act quickly. If you're going to respond, you must complete and serve your response to the other side at least 9 court days before the hearing.