How to get an order in a family law case
Once papers are filed starting a family law case (like a divorce or a parentage case), you can ask for a court date so a judge can make a decision about your financial or family situation. This is called requesting an order. You can request an order about many issues, like child or spousal support, or child custody and visitation (parenting time).
Things to know about requesting orders
Either side can ask the judge to make a temporary decision (issue an order) while your case is ongoing.
You can request more than one type of order using the same form. A judge can then decide everything at the same time. For example, in a divorce, you can ask for spousal or domestic partner support and child support at the same time. In a parentage case, you could ask for child custody, visitation (parenting time), and child support.
You use this same form and process if you want to change an order a judge already made, even if your case is already final (there's a judgment).
If you and the other side in your case agree, you can ask the judge to make your agreement a court order. You won't need a court date.
These instructions are for how to request an order using Request for Order (form FL-300). For some other requests, you'll need to use a different form. For example, you use different forms to ask for a domestic violence restraining order or renew a restraining order
At a glance
Steps to get a court order
The basic process is similar for most types of orders. If you’re asking the court to make a decision about custody or visitation, you may need to take part in another step called mediation.
Request an order
Select the type of order you want to request
Some orders you can only request in certain case types. For example, you can't ask for spousal support in a parentage case. But, you can in a divorce.
Child custody and vistation
I want the court to decide how we’ll spend time with our children
Child support
I want my child's other parent to help pay for our children’s needs
Spousal support
I want my spouse to help pay for living expenses
Other types of orders
I need to ask the court for something else (ex. making a decision about who controls property or having my spouse or other parent pay attorney's fees)