Get ready for your court date

There are some things you can do that will help make you more effective at telling the judge your side of the story at your trial (also called your court date). Knowing how to get ready for your court date will also lower your stress. 

Before you start

Sometimes after you serve your small claims papers, the other side will reach out to you to see if you can come up with an agreement without going to court. If you do, you can write up the agreement and ask the court to dismiss your case.

If you don't have an agreement, start to gather your evidence and plan what you're going to say. 

Information icon

For more help, you can watch a 4-minute video on how to prepare and what to expect in the courtroom.

How to prepare for your trial (court date)

  • Get any witness or evidence you need

    Once you figure out what proof you need for your court date, you may need the court to order someone to:

    • Send the information to the court for the other side and judge to see
    • Come to court to talk to the judge about your case

    You only need this court order (a subpoena) if you can't get the information or the person to come to court voluntarily.

    How to subpoena a person or things

  • Ask for court services (if needed)

    illustration representing an interpreter

    How to ask for an interpreter

    If you don't speak or understand English very well, you can ask for a free interpreter for your court date.  In many courts, you fill out and turn in a Request for Interpreter (Civil) (form INT-300). Other courts use a different form. Contact your court to find out how to ask for an interpreter. 

    illustration of some paper forms with signature

    How to ask for an accommodation for a disability

    To ask for an accommodation, fill out a Disability Accommodation Request (form MC-410). Turn the form in to your court's ADA coordinator at least 5 days before your court date. 

  • Watch a small claims case

    If you have time, go to court and watch some court hearings

    See how the judge talks to the people, what questions they ask, how they go back and forth between the sides so they can tell their stories, and how much time you may have to give the judge your side of the story.

  • Make copies and organize your papers

    • Make copies. Have the original paperwork for yourself, a copy for the judge, and a copy for the other side.
    • Organize the papers so if the judge asks to see something you can find it easily. For example, if the judge wants to see your receipt for the car’s bodywork, you can easily find it and give the judge and the other side a copy and still have one to look at yourself.
      You won’t have time to look for papers in a stack while at your hearing. Some people think it’s helpful to have their paperwork in a 3-ring notebook or an “accordion” file that has dividers in it.
    illustration of a remote hearing

    If your hearing will be remote (like on the computer or on the phone), then you need to find out how to get your evidence to the court. Contact the small claims clerk to find out how to turn your papers into the court. You'll also need to send them to the other side before the court date.

  • Plan what you are going to say

    Look over the court form(s) you and the other side filed (if they filed anything) so you’re ready to talk about it all when you go to court.

    Think ahead about what the other side might say in court so you’re ready to answer clearly and as quickly as possible. 

    Practice how you’ll tell your side of the story or respond to what the other side says so you can say what you need to as quickly and clearly as possible.

    Create a list of everything you asked for and why so you can look at it in court to stay on track. Add to the list anything the other side wrote in their papers if they filed any.

  • Make arrangements for child care and time off work

    You may be in court for 4 or more hours.

    Find where parking is, how traffic will be, and where your courtroom is before the hearing so you won’t be late.

Small claims

What's next?

After you've made your lists, find out what to expect on your day in court.

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