Fill out an Answer form in an eviction case
To respond to the eviction case, you start with filling out an Answer or other response forms. Then, you file them with the court. This gives you the chance to tell the judge if there are any legal reasons your landlord can't evict you and tell your side of the story at a court trial.
Before you start
Figure out the deadline to file your Answer or other response
You have 10 days to file an Answer form or other response after you’re handed (served) the Summons and Complaint forms. Don't count Saturdays, Sundays, or court holidays. Day 1 is the day after the Summons and Complaint were handed to you.
If you miss the deadline to file an Answer, you may still have time
If your landlord hasn't filed the Request to Enter Default form asking the court to move the case forward without you, you can still file an Answer. But do it right away because your landlord can ask for the default any time after your deadline to file.
If you need legal help but don't have time to get it before the deadline to file your Answer, fill out the Answer form as best you can anyway. Explain in detail the reasons you think the law protects you from being evicted and file the Answer with the court. Get legal help before your trial even if you filed an Answer without any.
How to fill out the Answer form in an eviction case
Read the Complaint
Make sure you understand what your landlord is saying in the Complaint and what they're asking the judge to do. If you need help, learn about places where you may be able to get help.
Determine if you have denials or defenses
When you read the Complaint, you will see a list of numbered statements. If you think one of these statements is not true or you're not sure if it is true, you can deny it. If you don't deny it, the judge will think you agree.
You deny something by listing the statement number in item 2 of your Answer. If you don't list a statement in item 2, the judge thinks you agree with it.
You may have good reasons you think you shouldn’t be evicted but you need to learn if there are any laws that protect you. These laws are called defenses.
Here are a few examples of defenses:
Your landlord did not give you a Declaration of COVID-19-Related Financial Distress
You didn’t pay all your rent because there was a problem with your home (for example your roof was leaking, there were rats, peeling lead paint, etc.) and your landlord wouldn’t fix it
The city or county where you live has rent or eviction control laws your landlord didn’t follow
You reported your landlord for code violations and they’re evicting you to get back at you
Your landlord is discriminating against you (due to your religion, race, or other protected status)
Review a list of common eviction defenses
Here are a few examples of reasons you may not be protected or have a legal defense:
Your sister lives with you and is dealing drugs in your apartment complex
Your lease says you can't have a dog but you found one and moved it in anyway
Fill out the Answer form
Use the form Attachment (form MC-025) if your explanation doesn't fit in item 3v
This form gives you extra space to explain your defenses. On this Attachment form, write "Attachment 3v" near the top where it says "ATTACHMENT (Number): ___________." Be as detailed as possible in your explanation. Include dates, times, and as many facts as possible.
Your landlord is the plaintiff and you are the defendant.
If there’s more than one defendant listed on the forms, you can all file an Answer together if your defenses are the same. If your defenses aren’t the same you should fill out your own Answer forms.
Each person listed on the Answer needs to pay a fee when they file the form ($240-$450). If anyone can't afford the fee, fill out a form to ask for a fee waiver.
Find out if you have any local forms to fill out
Some courts also have local forms you have to use.
Contact your court clerk’s office, check your court’s website, or talk to your Self-Help Center to ask if they have any local forms you need to use. Your Self-Help Center may also be able to review your forms before you file them.
Make copies
Make at least 2 copies of all of your forms. When you file them, the court will keep the original and return the copies to you, stamped.
Keep one of the copies for yourself. You'll give the other copy to your landlord in the next step.
What’s next?
Once you’ve filled out the Answer form, the next step is to share it with your landlord. You need to follow a specific process to do this called serving papers.