Before you start
Consider getting help
If you are not represented by a lawyer, your local Self-Help Center may be able to help you complete the necessary paperwork. Learn more about your local Self-Help Center.
If you already have a copy of form WV-130, Workplace Violence Restraining Order After Hearing, signed by a judge, you do not need to follow the steps on this page. Look at item 13 to see if the judge ordered you to have the restrained person served. Go here for step-by-step instructions on how to serve. If you don't need to serve form WV-130, learn more on how to enforce your order.
If you do not have form WV-130, Workplace Violence Restraining Order After Hearing, signed by a judge, this page gives step-by-step instructions on how to fill it out.
Turn in your form to the court clerk
Give form WV-130 to the court clerk. The clerk will then give it to the judge to review and sign. Ask the court clerk when your form will be ready to pick up. There is no fee for turning in this form.
Pick up your form from the court clerk
Make sure to pick up form WV-130 from the court clerk as soon as possible. This form is the restraining order.
You will likely need several copies. You can ask the court clerk for copies, if you need them. If you don't have a fee waiver, there may be a fee for extra copies.
You should keep a copy at the workplace at all times and give a copy to each employee protected by the restraining order. Give a copy to anyone else that you want to know about the restraining order, like people in charge at your other worksites.
What's next?
You may be required to serve (give) a copy of the restraining order to the restrained person.
Look at item 13 on page 4 of form WV-130 to see if the judge has ordered you to serve the restrained person. If so, get step-by-step instructions on how to serve your restraining order.