Child support index

Find a specific page or step-by-step instructions within our child support section.

Informational resources

Overview: Child support

Options to get order: What you can file to get a child support order

Child support resources 

Child support forms

Tips for your day in court

Remote court hearing

Reschedule hearing date

Guide to child support for incarcerated parents

Child support orders

Making an agreement a child support order

Paying and collecting child support

Pay child support

Collect child support

End or change an Income Withholding Order because support ended


Local child support agency (LCSA) cases

Opening a case or responding to case 

Asking to change support 

Responding to a LCSA request for a court date

Set-asides (cancel an order or judgment)

Overview: Set aside a family law judgment or order

Legal reasons a judge can set aside an order or judgment

If served a Notice to set aside based on presumed income (you received Form FL-640)

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