Resources in Chinese Simplified | 简体中文资源

Blue circular icon with a white silhouette of a person speaking sound waves, accompanied by a capital letter ‘A’ and a foreign language character, symbolizing language translation or interpretation.

Interpreters | 口译员

Do I need a court interpreter? | 我在法庭上是否需要口译员 (手册 | 传单 | 信息图)

Working with a court interpreter | 与口译员沟通合作 (传单 | 信息图)

Interpreters in small claims court | 小额法庭的口译员 (音频 Mandarin (普通话) | 音频 Cantonese (广东话))

Interpreters in traffic court | 交通法庭的口译员 (音频 Mandarin (普通话) | 音频 Cantonese (广东话))

Remote hearings | 远程听证会

How to prepare for your remote court hearing on Zoom | 在Zoom上准备远程庭审 (视频 Mandarin (普通话) | 视频 Cantonese (广东话) | 文字脚本 | 信息图 | 指南)

How to attend your remote court hearing on Zoom | 在Zoom上出席远程庭审 (视频 Mandarin (普通话) | 视频 Cantonese (广东话) | 文字脚本 | 指南)

Connect to audio on Zoom | 如何在Zoom上连接音频 (信息图)

Connect to interpretation for your remote court proceeding | 连接远程庭审的口译服务:

Other legal topics | 其他法律主题

Fee waivers | 费用减免 (音频 Mandarin (普通话) | 音频 Cantonese (广东话) | 传单)

Serving legal papers | 送达法律文件 (视频 Mandarin (普通话) | 视频 Cantonese (广东话)音频 Mandarin (普通话) | 音频 Cantonese (广东话) | 手册 | 传单 | 信息图)

Small claims | 小额索赔 (视频 Mandarin (普通话) | 视频 Cantonese (广东话) | 传单 | 信息图)

Filing a complaint | 提请申诉

Filing a court interpreter complaint | 对法庭口译员提出投诉 (网站)

Filing a language access complaint | 对语言服务提出投诉 (网站)

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