Solicite al juez que anule una orden de derecho familiar

To ask the judge to vacate the order, you will need to complete and file forms with the court. It will need to include the legal reason why the judge should vacate the order and explain what happened.

Before you begin

Talk to your court's Help Center

Your court's Help Center may have examples or a template that you can refer to to see what kind of information you need to include in your application.

In general, you should include

  • What happened (the facts)
  • What the law indicates on this subject
  • How that law supports what it asks the judge to do.

Often, you can write this in an attachment to your court forms.

Sometimes, the judge will want to look at this in a more formal way, in aMemorandum of Jurisprudence. Ask your court's aid staff if this is normally required in cases like yours.

Cómo solicitar que un juez anule una orden

  • Llene los formularios

    A person filling out a form.

    Llene el formulario de Solicitud de orden (formulario FL-300) (en español)

    • Marque la casilla "otro" y escriba "Anular orden" o "Anular fallo por falta de comparecencia" según lo que quiera que el juez cancele.

    Necesitará completar la sección 8 en la página 4 y “Hechos de respaldo” (sección 10 en la página 4). Aquí es en donde escribirá por qué el juez debe anular la orden. Obtenga información sobre cómo hacer esto en el siguiente paso.

    El Demandante es la persona que inició desde el principio el caso de derecho familiar. El Demandado es el otro cónyuge o padre. Por ejemplo, si está presentando esta Solicitud de orden, pero la otra persona fue la que inició el caso desde el principio, usted es el Demandado. 
  • Escriba razones y hechos legales

    You must write down what happened and the legal reason why the judge should vacate the order.

    Write down which law supports your request

    In section 8 on page 4, type "view attachment." You can then write what you want the judge to do and what law supports your request on theStatement (Form MC-030). Title theDeclaration "Attached to Section 8".

    Write down the exact law that supports why the judge should vacate the order in your case. You can find some of the laws (the sections of the Code) inLegal Reasons for Overriding an Order.

    Write a Statement about what happened

    In section 10 on page 4, type "view attachment." Afterward, you can write what happened, only the facts, on theDeclaration (Form MC-030). Title theDeclaration "Attached to Section 10".

    Yourstatementshould include all the facts the judge needs to see how what happened fits what the law says.
  • Incluya una respuesta propuesta

    If you ask to vacate a judgment for failure to appear or an order in which you never filed a response, you must include a proposed response. If the judge decides to overturn the ruling or order, then the judge will order your proposed answer to become the official response (filed).

    For example, if you ask to vacate a judgment for failure to appear in a divorce case, you must complete and attach anAnswer: Marriage/Domestic Partner (form Fl-120) (in Spanish).


  • Haga copias y presente su solicitud

    Haga 2 copias de todo. El original es para la corte. Las copias son para usted y para la otra parte.

  • Presente sus formularios

    To file the forms with the court:

    • Give the original and 2 copies to the secretary

    • Pay a $60 fee (unless you have earned a fee waiver)

    There may be other fees. If you are unable to pay the fee, you canapply for a fee waiver.

    The fee waiver expires at the end of the case (when a judgment is filed). You will need to apply for another one if the last one expired.

    The Secretary:

    • Stamp the forms

    • Write a hearing date on theOrder Request form

    • Keep the original form and return the copies to you

    A judge will make a decision on your request at the hearing.

    Yes, you can submit them by mail. Send your original and 2 copies to the clerk. You must include the filing fee and a stamped envelope addressed to yourself so that the clerk can mail you your copies. If you do not include an envelope addressed to yourself and the stamped envelope, you will have to go to court to collect your copies.

    Some courts allow online filing (called online filing). You can learn more about whether your court allows an online filing by visitingyour court's website.

Anule una orden o fallo de derecho familiar

¿Cuáles son los siguientes pasos?

Después de presentar los formularios, el siguiente paso es que alguien, no usted, los entregue (entrega legal) a su cónyuge o al otro padre de su hijo.


Antes o después de que se entreguen sus documentos, puede comenzar a prepararse para su fecha de audiencia. 

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